1. By using the website the user marks its acceptance hereof of this terms, the user agrees to comply with the following Terms of Service. Acceptance of the Terms is a condition for using the services of saxemberg.com. The word “services” means the network, hardware, software, blockchain infrastructure provided by us. The user of this site and its services agrees to abide by all conditions specified in these Terms. The Terms constitute an agreement between saxemberg.com and the user and take effect upon the user's acceptance hereof.

2. The user represents and warrants, if an individual, that the Subscriber is at least 18 years old, possesses legal competence to manage his/her financial affairs and is otherwise fully legally competent, or, if a company or a legal person, that the user possesses all legal authority and power to undertake the commitments specified by these Terms. Legal guardians may enter into an agreement with saxemberg.com. on behalf of minors or persons who do not possess legal competence to manage their financial affairs, in which case the legal guardians must have consented to the use of the services of saxemberg.com by the minor or person without financial legal competence. The legal guardian assumes all obligations and liability resulting from the service agreement applicable in each case and from these Terms of Service.


These Terms do not confer on the user of this website or any of our services any rights in the intellectual property of saxemberg.com's services relating to the technology, logos or trademarks of saxemberg.com, Saxemberg.com and the user hereby undertake that neither will in any way, directly or indirectly, seek to obtain source codes, trade secrets or other proprietary information from the other party.


1. Saxemberg.com does not collect, resell or process personal information via cookies, analytics, third-party applications. Logs keep IPs of machines that connect or attempt to connect to our machines. Said logs are kept for as little as possible in order to monitor possible cybersecurity threats. This IP and log information is not sold at any point.


1. The user understands and acknowledges that the service that saxemberg.com promises to provide is offered to the best of the ability of saxemberg.com’s staff at any given time, without any warranty from saxemberg.com regarding quality, reliability, speed, freedom from error or functionality. The user agrees to this policy and waives all liability claims against saxemberg.com that may arise from errors, faults, lack of access, data loss, financial loss, reduced speed or lack of functionality of the services provided by saxemberg.com. This applies regardless of the culpability of the staff of saxemberg.com.

2. Validation services is a best effort service without any guarantees. Saxemberg.com does takes no responsibility for the quality of validation, mistakes, errors or data integrity in backups. slashings. Saxemberg.com encourages users to do their own research on the inherent risks of delegating cryptocurrencies.


"IP" means any internet protocol address, including without limitation, unique and non-unique network addresses.