
Amount Requested:

42865.00 DOT


Proposed on:
Nov. 29, 2023
Proposal Awarded on:
Expected Delivery
March 31, 2024
Actual Delivery:


In progress - on time

Polkadot Brand Awareness Partnership with Real Vision (Raoul Pal)

by RealVision 


We are pursuing funding to provide a series of interviews, videos, X space, and events in conjunction with Real Vision that will provide significant value and brand awareness to Polkadot.

Current Progress and Comments:

One of the biggest names in 2023 along with IBC media to present their proposal to Polkadot’s Opengov. Unlike, IBC Media, Real Vision is economics focused with a large diversity of content within the economic media. The quality of the people connected to Real Vision as well as the content delivered has been superior and less divisive than IBC Media has created so far. For those reasons, this proposal became one most popular marketing referendums and passed almost unanimously and in a relatively short period.