
Amount Requested:

125484.00 DOT


Proposed on:
Nov. 23, 2023
Proposal Awarded on:
Expected Delivery
April 24, 2024
Actual Delivery:


In progress - on time

Nova Wallet 5th Proposal: Cloud backups, Push Notifications, Proxies, Deeplinks, OpenGov improvements, Network management, Reimbursement

by Day7 / Anton Khvorov


This proposal covers the further development of Nova Wallet as a mobile application for the Polkadot ecosystem, allowing us to expand upon the already large set of features contained within Nova Wallet by adding Cloud backups, Push-notifications, Proxy wallets, improvements to OpenGov, new Hardware Wallets, Network management, and Deeplinks & Applinks.

Current Progress and Comments:

Continuing with the successful deliveries of all the previous proposal, Nova Wallet remains the most popular mobile wallet as well as a promising desktop alternative with Nova Spektr. With continuous support, the main argument against funding and one very important, is to have a clear path to sustainability brought up by Ivy Networks.