Proposal to Fund educational content for MAD CRIPTO MX YouTube Channel and twitter account
With funding from the Polkadot community, Mad Crypto MX will expand its content production to two videos per week for the next six months. This consistent stream of informative videos will provide valuable insights into the Polkadot ecosystem, catering to both new and experienced users. The content will cover a wide range of topics, including: Deep-dive tutorials on Polkadot technologies and applications. Regular updates on the Polkadot ecosystem, including new projects and developments. Interviews with Polkadot founders, developers, and community members.
Current Progress and Comments:
One of the youtubers with a long history on the Polkadot ecosystem, has made a proposal for production of videos for six months. With a balanced voting tally, there were opponents and people in favor of the proposal. The main argument against, was that there were many media proposals with similar deliverables (many created by PolkaMarketing-Kryptoschain) but this one in particular, had no connection to any of the other media proposals nor with Polkamarketing.