
Amount Requested:

632.18 DOT


Proposed on:
Nov. 17, 2023
Proposal Awarded on:
Nov. 24, 2023
Expected Delivery
Dec. 15, 2023
Actual Delivery:


In progress – on time

Maria Andersen Crypto | Youtube Media Package Funding



I am committed to creating six informative videos, covering the following topics: 1 A beginner's guide to understanding Polkadot. 2 In-depth analysis of the best DeFi Parachain on Polkadot – HydraD. 3 Nova Wallet - A comprehensive overview of the mobile wallet designed for Polkadot. 4 Talisman Wallet - An excellent desktop wallet alternative. 5 Unveiling Polkadot's Bridge to Cosmos through Composable Finance. 6 Spotlight on the top 3 Parachains: Moonbeam, Astar, and Kilt!

Current Progress and Comments:

Another media proposal that was accepted by the Autonomous Marketing Agency (AMI) and with the controversial Kryptoschain as its agent. It appears that the content creator is not that involved in the governance process but it seems like she agrees with the terms that KryptosChain / PolkaMarketing is giving. Moreover, the 10% fee is something that has become controversial, as these proposals seem to have little to no effort on the agent’s side. The verification deposit has now been withdrawn sometime before December 5th 2023.