
Amount Requested:

4455.00 DOT


Proposed on:
Nov. 6, 2023
Proposal Awarded on:
Nov. 24, 2023
Expected Delivery
May 24, 2024
Actual Delivery:


In progress – on time

BRA_16-D! Quality improvement of content for the Spanish Comunity by BRA_16-D

by BRA_16-D


Funding 53 pieces of content in Spanish  for 6-7 months. Interviews, news, tutorials for for a content creator since one year and  months in the ecosystem.

Current Progress and Comments:

One of the media proposal that spawned out of the Autonomous Marketing Initiative spearheaded by 16DG aka Giotto. This is a small channel focused already on Polkadot which started with approximately 490 subscribers when the funding was awarded. Currently focused on the Spanish language sphere.