Retroactive Funding - Polkasafe Revised Proposal
Dear community, We failed to garner support from the community during our previous request for retroactively funding the development work done by the Polkasafe team over the last 6-7 months. Acknowledging our mistakes and taking inputs from the community, we have made changes to the proposal, penalizing ourselves and taking a significant cut on the budget. We are also sharing some additional data to give insights about Polkasafe’s adoption in the ecosystem and the role it is playing to bring institutional capital into the ecosystem.
Current Progress and Comments:
Due to the last proposal issues, concretely concerns about the price as well as the issue of accurate attributing certain parts of the code on the previous proposal, this proposal failed to pass. However, they addressed these concerns and went ahead and created a new proposal axing the request significantly as well as changing the scope of some of the items in their original proposal. For a full overview of the changes refer to the full proposal as well as the governance post.