Smoldot development financing Q4/2023
Every 3 months, the smoldot project seeks the continuation of its financing for the next quarter. As many of you might already know, smoldot is an alternative implementation of the Polkadot client focused on using as little CPU, memory, and bandwidth as possible. It can be embedded within a web page, and thus allow end users to connect directly to the Polkadot network.
Current Progress and Comments:
This proposal a continuation of referendum 77, now under the identity of “Smoldot development” The continuous support for smoldot a light client initiative that seeks to lessen the dependency on RPCs which are prevalent on most blockchains. As of November 26th the adoption of the tool according to Github has increased in terms of users compared to the last milestone (Original link: https://github.com/smol-dot/smoldot/network/dependents). An important thing to notice was the future restructuring plans for funding during 2024.