
Amount Requested:

1000.00 DOT


Proposed on:
Oct. 14, 2023
Proposal Awarded on:
Oct. 31, 2023
Expected Delivery
March 31, 2024
Actual Delivery:



[TrackingChain] Bring Adoption for Companies: Building Infrastructure for Web2 Integration (Big Tipper Discussion)

by Federico Cicciarella


Having successfully completed the basic functionality of software development for "Tracking Chain," (Milestone 1-2-3 completed and last milestone 4 is in progress) I’m at a crucial phase where I aim to directly introduce our solution to potential clients. I want to demonstrate the tangible value it can bring to their operations. Currently, my target clientele primarily consists of companies in the supply chain and data/document certification sectors. I have already scheduled a demonstration involving three Italian companies, one of which is in the final stages of agreement. This demo is scheduled to take place between October and December. Additionally, I am actively planning more demos with other Web2 companies that I have worked with over the past few years, with hopes of conducting them in early 2024. Moreover, I am exploring opportunities for participation in prominent blockchain and IT events that are regularly held in Italy.

Current Progress and Comments:

Expected to be demoed in Italy at the beginning of 2024 (date uncertain hence date expected is march 31st 2024) development on Github has been continuous. However, we haven’t seen any other parties to be interested in this tool as of November 24th 2023. As of November 29th 2023, the same proposer Federico Cicciarella created a new proposal. Referendum 322 “Bring Adoption for Companies: Empowering BlockSpace with PolkadotSDK as the Core Infrastructure”. According to the information posted on the comments of the referendum 322, 2/3 demos at the companies have already taken place so this proposal should be considered completed according to the author. (https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/322). Accordingly, reports about the demos should be in place.