
Amount Requested:

11183.81 DOT


Proposed on:
Oct. 2, 2023
Proposal Awarded on:
Oct. 31, 2023
Expected Delivery
Oct. 31, 2023
Actual Delivery:
Oct. 31, 2023



SubQuery <> Nova Wallet Common API: Maintenance Cost For Q1-Q2 2023

by Day7 / Anton Khvorov


SubQuery is the Universal data indexing toolkit facilitating the construction of Web3 applications of the future. This proposal seeks funding to cover expenses associated with maintaining the SubQuery <> Nova Wallet Common API infrastructure in Q1-Q2 2023.

Current Progress and Comments:

SubQuery service for the use of Nova Wallet paid by the treasury. Considering the amount of data that Subquery requires, it means that the infrastructure prices should be high hence the treasury request. The main concerns about this proposal was that the use of OnFinality, a cloud based infrastructure provided was not enough to ensure decentralization. Also, that the amount should have been covered by Nova and not by the treasury. All the replies were submitted to governance for further analysis. Despite these doubts the proposal ended up passing narrowly.