
Amount Requested:

129145.00 DOT


Proposed on:
Aug. 22, 2023
Proposal Awarded on:
Oct. 7, 2023
Expected Delivery
Feb. 7, 2024
Actual Delivery:


In Progress – on time

Nova Spektr Milestone 3 Proposal: Dynamic Derivations, WalletConnect v2, Proxy accounts, Cross-chain transfers, Fiat values, Ethereum address support, Staking improvements, Wallet details, App Store and Microsoft Store

by Day7 / Anton Khvorov


Nova Spektr (formerly Omni Enterprise) is an all-in-one Polkadot desktop application focused on enterprise adoption that provides a one-stop-shop for stakeholders with advanced needs, enterprises and DAOs, and individual users in the entire ecosystem. Moreover, The following features will be included: Dynamic Derivations, WalletConnect v2, Proxy accounts, Cross-chain transfers, Fiat values, Ethereum address support, Staking improvements, Wallet details, App Store and Microsoft Store.

Current Progress and Comments:

Given the deserved success of Nova Wallet, Novasama technologies bring the second referendum proposal looking to bring the same easy to use experience to desktop as well as a number of upgrades to their core wallet. The proposal was passed without much resistance due to the popularity of the software which at this point in time was slowly positioning itself as the premier wallet for the Polkadot ecosystem.